I'll talk about the most relevant types of AI first. I use LLMs and used to use Image generation at my work. I know, I know. AI Image generation is *EVIL!*. I've struggled to put together my thoughts on how I feel about this a couple of times, rewriting, editing, and trying to parse the dribble of a few hundred words that I spat out onto this website at 5:30 am. I'd like anyone willing to listen though, to read an article by the New Yorker, https://www.newyorker.com/culture/infinite-scroll/is-ai-art-stealing-from-artists . The main takeaway from the site is that, AI Image Generation *MIGHT* be theft. The problem is how we define art, and style. Which could lead to a potential slippery slope, if we start being more restrictive on art works that have similar styles of art to other artists, that could start hampering a lot of legit human artists too. We can not stop AI Art from existing. We can not stop AI art from being trained on copyrighted materials, that just isn't feasible in any legislative way. What we can do, is further endorse human art, set out stricter understands of what art is and isn't, and continue creating tools for humans. Human art will never go away, (and let's be honest, it wasn't exactly a profitable venture for most anyways. So, if it was gonna go away due to money, it would've already.) There's this other group of people, who think that the response to a project needing AI art is "Pay an artist!" seems to not understand why someone would use AI in the first place. They don't want to pay. And that's okay. We don't often pay people for lots of tasks that are now automated. Why should they not have access to art too?
Now for a less relevant topic: AGI! Artifical General Intelligence. What the mainstream, the sheeple, the masses, (sorry...) think of when they hear AI! An AI Apocolypse in the style of Terminator, Skynet, so forth, won't happen. That's just *not* how AI works. Sure, a government could make a large language model, tell it to be evil, then give it access to military weapons, but at that point... We just have a robotic asshole instead of a human asshole, and human assholes already exist. AI Singularities, where an AI continues to improve upon itself until it ascends into a little point of light floating in the sky speaking in blinks? ... Yeah, probably not. I think what we'll see is a larger and larger trend in usage of AI until it hits a plateau. It'll reach right around to *useful for most things* but we still need people to do things completely new. Is AI self-aware or conscious? No. Unless... it is really dumb. Ask an AI to draw you any somewhat complex ASCII art and it will regurgitate you a half dozen slashes, dashes, and maybe a vertical line. Why is that? Because the AI can't *see* what it is typing out, it can't notice that its answer is complete gibberish despite it knowing full well that it is if you prompt it to take a second look. Its these kinds of things that really, really, show you that it really is just a perdictive text generator, devoid of a persona. It sees tokens, weights, probabilities, not what it puts on the screen.
TLDR; Yeah, it can be bad, but I'm still gonna use it as the tool that it is. I urge others to do the same, as it isn't going away.
I lived on a 45 foot catamaran for three years straight. We sailed throughout the Carribbean, the top of South America, and a bit of Mexico.
I'm currently fond of Overwatch 2, World of Warcraft, Escape from Tarkov, and a few other miscellaneous games that I mainly play with friends only. FRIENDS: STAR! RANCHER! CHRIS! GREEN! SERAIYA!
Pink, light blue, yellow are all pretty nice. If I had to pick, I'd go with a sort of pastel pink, it's very soothing.
I don't do freelance programming. However, I'm happy to offer any advice I can.
KSB's Mars Trilogy
Liu Cixin's Three Body Problem
Foundation series
Snow Crash
Everything, everywhere, all at once and 2001: A Space Odyssey
Born in Korea, mom's side is Chinese, dad's side is some flavor of californian and western europe.
I've lived all over. I was born in Korea, moved to California, then to Texas, then we headed off onto a boat for years at a time. It wasn't until recently that we've settled down, now living in Texas again for a few years straight without moving.
This, of course, meant that I was primarily home-schooled. The immediate reaction to this is usually "Oh! So, anti-social and like, religiously indoctrinated or something?"
Nah, my dad did the primary teaching, and he has a masters in Aerospace Engineering, been in the game industry for over twenty years, and have worked on several high profile games. He is very smart, and has taught me well on how to follow in his footsteps, leading me to take up a career in programming as well.