• CODING EXPERIENCE: 7 years of programming, starting at age 12. First project was a text-based RPG with loot, rarities, random encounters, and menus.

    Helped develop a game in Unity and worked as a game designer for a web3 game that reached thousands of players.

    Now I work on data dashboards for fortune 500 companies.
  • DIVING: Over 50 dives around the Carribbean, maximum depth of 100 ft. Done Nitrox and night diving, would love to do more diving, but I am much further from an ocean now...
  • WRITING: I write a lot! As a hobby, of course. Writing for profit is terribly hard. Some writing can be found below :) I'll finish it someday.

Below is a download for the game I made six years ago. It sucks, I mean, I had just turned 13. It is text-based and it requires you to install Python and termcolor. Works on Mac or Windows at least.

File size: 37kb

- termcolor is a python package

Excerpt from SoaP

There was a contrast between his slightly stained attire and the spotless automobile. Sarah thought on it for a while, the last time she spoke to her brother was a few years ago. Though they had stayed connected on the net, she could only see what he wanted her to see. That illusion of his success, his happiness, eternal and forever was betrayed by the first real look she had on him. It was such a common trait now of society, how so many imaginations would be shattered the second one takes a look at the real-self. Digital looks and manicured personalities tailor-made to captivate, drive salivation, and envy were all too prevalent in the net. Artificial general intelligence progressed that, accelerated it, now with a quick query to your personal assistant unit, you can show your life as blissful as the Dalai Lama while eating off of recycled meat.

Sarah Owen too was guilty of it, of course. It was natural, why would you show the flaws of your posture when one query to the assistant would generate you a-new to the world outside. When everyone else is perfect, why would you be less so? Why worry about the beauty mark upon your cheek when you can perfect false images on the net instead? And so — even though Sarah and Paul had kept connected all the time they were apart from each other, they still had felt that same feeling that some long-distance friends feel when meeting each other for the first time. I hope they don't notice I lied.

Excerpt from aJS

"H-hey." Anunit's voice pierced the thoughts in my mind. My head spun as I tried to locate her voice, my senses confused by the echo of approaching footsteps. When I finally opened my eyes, the sight of Anunit frozen in fear baffled me until I saw the grotesque creature ahead. It was an intimidating hulking mass, vaguely humanoid, but nothing like the average build of an elf. Its pallid skin stretched tightly over its muscular frame, peppered with hollows that resembled insect nests. Its face was locked in a grimace, with twin black opals for eyes that seemed to absorb the moonlight, chilling us with their unblinking gaze.

"Niamh," I croaked, forcing myself up. Stirring from its slumber, Niamh rose to match the creature's stare. The scraping of metal against leather signaled Anunit's sword drawn against the creature. It regarded the sword with an eerie calmness before taking a lumbering step toward us.